Exploring the Wisdom of Platos Charmides: English Edition

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  1. Exploring the Wisdom of Plato's Charmides: English Edition
    1. The Characters
    2. The Dialogue
    3. The Wisdom
    4. Conclusion
  2. Preguntas Frecuentes
    1. ¿Qué es "Exploring the Wisdom of Platos Charmides: English Edition"?
    2. ¿Quién es el autor del libro?
    3. ¿Es necesario tener conocimientos previos de filosofía para leer el libro?
    4. ¿Qué temas filosóficos se discuten en el libro?
    5. ¿Hay alguna sección del libro que sea particularmente destacable?
    6. ¿Dónde puedo comprar el libro?

Plato, one of the most influential philosophers in history, left behind a legacy of wisdom that continues to inspire and challenge us today. One of his most intriguing works is the Charmides, a dialogue that explores the nature of wisdom and its relationship to self-knowledge and virtue. In this English edition of the Charmides, we delve into the timeless insights of Plato's masterpiece, examining its relevance to our modern lives and the enduring questions it raises about the nature of human existence. Join us on a journey of discovery as we explore the wisdom of Plato's Charmides and unlock its secrets for a new generation.

Exploring the Wisdom of Plato's Charmides: English Edition

Plato's Charmides is a dialogue that explores the nature of temperance and self-control. In this English edition, readers can delve into the wisdom of Socrates and his interlocutors as they attempt to define these elusive virtues.

The Characters

  • Socrates: The philosopher who leads the discussion and asks probing questions.
  • Charmides: A young man known for his beauty and grace, but who lacks self-control.
  • Critias: Charmides' cousin and a prominent Athenian politician.

The Dialogue

The dialogue begins with Socrates asking Charmides what temperance is. Charmides responds that it is the quality of being quiet and reverent. Socrates then asks if this means that temperance is only applicable in certain situations, to which Charmides agrees. Socrates challenges this notion, arguing that temperance must be a universal quality that applies to all actions and situations.

As the dialogue progresses, Critias joins the conversation and offers his own definition of temperance. He suggests that it is the quality of knowing what is appropriate in any given situation. However, Socrates points out that this definition is circular and does not provide a clear understanding of temperance.

The discussion ultimately leads to the conclusion that temperance is a form of self-knowledge. It is the ability to know oneself and to act in accordance with that knowledge. This requires self-control and the ability to resist temptation.

The Wisdom

Plato's Charmides offers valuable insights into the nature of temperance and self-control. It reminds us that these virtues are not simply a matter of following rules or social norms, but are rooted in self-knowledge and self-awareness. By understanding ourselves, we can better understand our actions and make choices that align with our values and goals.


Plato's Charmides is a timeless work of philosophy that continues to offer valuable insights into the nature of human behavior and morality. This English edition provides readers with the opportunity to explore the wisdom of Socrates and his interlocutors, and to gain a deeper understanding of the importance of self-control and temperance in our lives.

Preguntas Frecuentes

¿Qué es "Exploring the Wisdom of Platos Charmides: English Edition"?

Es un libro que explora la sabiduría y los conceptos filosóficos presentados en el diálogo platónico "Charmides". Esta edición está en inglés.

¿Quién es el autor del libro?

El autor del libro es Christopher Moore, un profesor de filosofía en la Universidad de Pensilvania.

¿Es necesario tener conocimientos previos de filosofía para leer el libro?

No es necesario tener conocimientos previos de filosofía para leer el libro. El autor presenta los conceptos de una manera clara y accesible para cualquier lector interesado en la filosofía.

¿Qué temas filosóficos se discuten en el libro?

El libro explora temas como la sabiduría, la virtud, la humildad y la autoconciencia, entre otros. Estos temas se presentan a través del diálogo platónico "Charmides", en el que Sócrates y Charmides discuten sobre la definición de la sabiduría y la virtud.

¿Hay alguna sección del libro que sea particularmente destacable?

Sí, la sección en la que el autor explora el concepto de la autoconciencia es particularmente destacable. En esta sección, se discute cómo la autoconciencia puede ayudarnos a mejorar como individuos y a alcanzar la sabiduría y la virtud.

¿Dónde puedo comprar el libro?

El libro está disponible en línea en tiendas como Amazon y Barnes & Noble. También puede estar disponible en librerías locales.

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